Featured property list is empty. No featured listings in this area as yet.All properties for sale in KwaZulu NatalResults:883Sort BySort by Rating: low to highSort by Rating: high to lowSort by newnessSort by price: low to highSort by price: high to lowSort by randomAll PropertiesFor SaleOpenR 895,000For SaleOpenR 2,995,000For SaleOpenR 750,000For SaleSole MandateR 800,000For SaleOpenR 6,900,000For SaleOpenR 3,595,000For SaleOpenR 2,500,000For SaleOpenR 1,170,000For SaleOpenR 1,195,000For SaleSole MandateR 740,000For SaleOpenR 670,000For SaleOpenR 11,950,000Previous 1 2 3 4 ...73 74 Next