Ridhwaan Rasool has been in the property profession since 2006. Over the years, he wrote the old board exams, before the new criteria for estate agents became compulsory. When the criteria became compulsory, he became qualified as Master Practitioner In Real Estate in one the of the first batch of NQF 5 nationally in 2011. As someone who is always ahead of the game, as an agent, he has received many awards, Platinum Status Agent award, being one of them. He has successfully managed a well-known national real estate franchise and assisted in taking the franchise to amongst the top franchises in the country. He is very committed to providing world class service to his clients. Having joined Trafalgar Property Management, gives him the opportunity to showcase his abilities and professionalism through an already well known and trusted brand. Give him a call and experience good old-fashioned service , just as you so deserve